corporate social responsibility statement.

1.Why do you have a Corporate Social Responsibility Statement?

We have a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) because we want to be good corporate citizen and set out our intention to achieve that. CSR means being a good corporate citizen and it describes business behaviours that not only deliver commercial objectives and meet legal requirements but also have a positive social impact. We strive to run and Our business responsibly and to align Our business strategy with CSR goals. We want to have a significant and positive impact both on Our business and the communities in which it operates.

This CSR offers the wider community tangible evidence of Our social commitment and Our credibility.

2.What does your CSR cover?

Our CSR will cover:

  • Health and Safety;
  • Environment;
  • Community;
  • Suppliers 
  • Customers; and 
  • Staff/people.

3.Who is Vivid

We are an umbrella employer and service provider. We facilitate contractors being able to provide their services on terms acceptable to them and to access opportunities of employment which might otherwise be unavailable to them or which they would be unable to take advantage of.  The prosperity of our business and of the communities within which we operate requires a commitment to the sustainable management of our activities. We have therefore developed a policy that affects and enhances all areas of our business, namely people, customers and suppliers that are relevant to how our business operates and will be impacted by corporate social responsibility. We wish to adopt and commit to the principles and practices set out below.

4.Health & Safety

We aim to achieve and maintain the highest standards of health and safety and provide a safe and healthy working environment for all our activities. We have a current and effective written health and safety policy that is regularly reviewed and updated. We have trained health and safety officers who deal with fire safety and first aid as well as mental health and wellbeing. We conduct regular fire alarm and fire drill tests and undertake regular reviews of fire apparatus and emergency equipment and procedures to ensure that those in place remain current and effective.  


We have implemented an environmental policy appropriate to our business. 

We are aware of our environmental impact as a business and have taken and continue to take appropriate steps to mitigate that impact, including use of recycling services, reducing our use of paper, using energy saving gadgets where appropriate and encouraging our staff to use public transport to travel to work or to work from home, when appropriate. We also implement procedures and provide training so employees and contractors understand their environmental responsibilities and can seek to improve our environmental performance. We require any cleaning fluids used within Our premises to be environmentally friendly and any waste to be disposed of in an environmentally friendly way.

6.What do you do to support the Community?

We recognise and understand the significance of the local community within which we operate. We aim to enhance our contribution to the community by being sensitive to the needs of local people and groups and promoting ethical and socially responsible trading. We advertise available roles locally and encourage staff to encourage friends and family to apply for available roles. We actively encourage our staff to nominate local charities/non-profit organisations within our community for us to support. We then regularly hold fund raising events and donate the proceeds raised.

7.How do you deal with your Suppliers?

We aim to create and maintain strong relationships with key suppliers and contractors and to choose suppliers that share our ethos in relation to employment practices, quality and environmental controls. We communicate this to and require it from, all suppliers and potential suppliers. We encourage suppliers to join us in developing and maintaining a corporate socially responsible eco-system within we can all operate to benefit all those impacted by it.

8.How do you deal with your Customers?

We aim to build long term relationships with all of our customers and other stakeholders by understanding their objectives as they evolve over time and meeting their needs. We aim to give fair value, consistent quality and reliability and have the highest professional and ethical standards. We will be honest, open and transparent in all our dealings with customers.

9.How do you deal with your Staff/People?

We are committed to the well-being and continual development of our people and to training our workforce. Our employees are appreciated, valued and given regular feedback so that each employee has a clear understanding of their role and how they contribute to the business.

We operate a meritocracy, where all employees are recognised and rewarded on the basis of their performance, effort, contribution and achievements.

We expect our employees to act with integrity towards one another and exercise a high standard of business practice and workmanship and We support diversity, fairness and equal opportunities.